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raptor5900 08-13-2003 07:26 PM

Young Pilots Forum
yup had the avistar great trainer.

Cessna26 08-18-2003 03:15 AM

Young Pilots Forum
Have any of u guys ever had a Cessna 182 from topflight, gp and hanger 9?

smokinghole42 08-18-2003 04:54 AM

Young Pilots Forum
I'm 16, i've been flying since I was 14. I'm on my 5th aircraft now

rc_boy_12 08-18-2003 12:50 PM

Young Pilots Forum
Hey, this is good to know that there are many young pilots out there.. Btw, anyone have AOL or MSN Instant messenger? mine for AOL is
Itza Green Day

+ MSN adress is
[email protected]

i would post some pics but too much work re-sizing thm + stuff, i have a few in my gallery

smokinghole42 08-18-2003 01:03 PM

Young Pilots Forum
My aol is otis the otter

adam d 08-30-2003 12:36 PM

Young Pilots Forum
I'm 13 and i fly a pt-40 saving up for a four star 40

geneh-RCU 09-01-2003 02:36 AM

Young Pilots
I am also 13. My dad is in the hobby too. If he wasnt in it i wouldve never seen an r/c airplane.LOL. Ive got about 8 planes. Right now im building a Hangar9 25% Cap232. Thats a little about myself. But I say go with lawn buissness its the way to go!!!


SBR_RV 09-01-2003 06:48 AM

iam fifteen, pranged my first trainer into the ground it was about 8 months old (i didnt pull the antena out but it will never hapen again), bought a new one next day. Now this one has a petrol leak, stupid bung, and are now fixing it. iam also puting together a GWS mustang. iam also learning full size


i like fast warbirds.i will have a PCM bf 109

Chris Stevenson 09-08-2003 10:25 PM

Hello, Cessna26.
Glad to see another Utahn! I have flown a few times up in Salt Lake, at Geneva Park. I too have an E-Starter. It's in sad condition but, it flies!

Money issue. Ack, ptph! This is the only downside of this wonderful hobby. I only have one flight pack. And as of right now I don't have one at all because my esc just died. [:@] It's a sad time. Luckily my dad lets me fly his Mountain Models Dandy in the meantime.

As for buying used radios. I bought mine used. It is the Hitec Flash 5X. It retails at about $110 w/o shipping, and I got it for $75 shipped. (transmitter only) I don't know if I'd buy from E-Bay, that sounds kind of scary to me. Though an amazing amount of people do, so there must be some people happy with it! ;)

Oh, and I am 14!


Chris Stevenson 09-08-2003 10:33 PM

To Moderator: Please Delete this post. It was a double post, and in this "New RCU" I don't see where to delete accidental duplicate posts . . . Thanks.

David E. 10-03-2004 11:30 AM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
Hi guys,
I am 35 and am still considered young at my club. I started when I was 6 with my dad. You all are very lucky to be flying now. I started with a Babby Buzzard Bombshell. 30's design 2 channel. I now fly Sig kobras and have a suggestion to all of you. ENJOY don't let anyone pick on you or put you down for this hobby.

volkan 10-03-2004 11:58 AM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
im 14, ive been flying for almost 3years now, i love all aspects of flying!, im studdying to become a
aeronatical engineer and hopefully to get into imperial college london (they also do a "1year in US course"
where you go to MIT for a year and studdy there. so i may see some of ya!) i love electronics, and computers,
as some of you may know, i speed most of my money on new aircraft and parts for my flight sim (which ive just started)!
Check out my [link=http://volkan-dil.co.uk]website[/link], and [link=http://volkan-dil.co.uk/html/wrap.php?file=about_me.htm]about me[/link].


Underaged Pilot 10-03-2004 04:13 PM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
I'm 12 I have 6 aircraft 1 rc 1 cl then 4 rockets
Sig Mark 2 is the best trainer
to bad it's scratch built
o yah about the money situation be a paper boy

champion 10-03-2004 04:38 PM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
i'm 10

Underaged Pilot 10-03-2004 06:06 PM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
funny champion it says your a senior member

bubbaJ 10-03-2004 06:10 PM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
I am 21 and have 10 planes and 2 helis to my own my dad also flies and we enjoy the hobbie together.
I am not the youngest member at my club though. the youngest member is 12 years old.

AKA Jordan

Sokhar 10-03-2004 08:28 PM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
well I figured I would jump in here

I am 23 I have been flying for 1.5 years now and I have 7 planes ranging from a eletric 3d to a 60 size extra with a 91 OS surppass II and love this hobby my father does fly but crashes alot so we end up heading home shortly after so I dont get to ly as much as I would like but my eletric go fly when weather permits

I have a video of my eletric 3d here if you want to see it


Muxje 10-04-2004 03:46 AM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
I'd be interested to hear from the older guys... were there people this young (10-14) in the hobby in the past? I started flying while I was in college, and at 23 I was one of the youngest around (I'm 35 now).

By the way, why is this in the crash forum? :)

Mhale71 10-04-2004 04:15 AM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
im 14, and geez, ive spent more on my electric helicopter then i have on my glow powered plane:eek:
what a crazy world this is ei? heheh
Raptor 5900, i do intend on flying pattern and scale planes as soon as i get the skills, im only learning on the plane, but im full on with the heli :D , also, one question , is that the F3a from precision aerobatics?
one thing i intend to do if i get enuf money is to get a hirobo sceadau 50 and convert it to EP :):D

btw i also have *cough* had, 2 completely scratch built planes, a piper cub which got eaten by my dog, i will never take them to the field again ! and a B-2 spirit which i am in the midst of re building after i got shot down.... by a tree.

Jim Jessup 10-04-2004 06:29 AM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
1 Attachment(s)

ORIGINAL: raptor5900

do any other young pilots fly pattern? i feel alone. :(
Im just starting to fly pattern with my Great Planes Giles.

P.S Im 13 have been flyin since I was 11, and Have 5 flyable planes and a N.I.B H9 Superstick[8D]

Sorry for the glair in the photo of my Giles I had just cleaned, and polished it a couple minutes before that.

Skitchen8 10-04-2004 02:04 PM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
I'm 17

got a job recently so I can afford to finish my plane (LT-40 kit, the plane's half built, but I need money to afford engine and tx). Working, contrary to everything I have ever wished, for a fast food place making minimum wage.

высшее одно 10-04-2004 02:43 PM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
im 14, and I have been flying for 3 years. I am the youngest member at my club, and my dad (57) is one of the younger guys....

I also fly full scale gliders, and I am to be soloing soon, but it has been cutting back on my rc (no money, so I work there) but now I am flying my RC airplanes at the airport, 2 birds with one stone, what more could you ask for?

shoko1 10-06-2004 01:35 PM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
Im 13... Got 2 Trainers(Solo And Superstar), Tissan Haifa Banana 2000(1/2A), 2 gliders and spa3d.
for me, buildting is more fun then flying :-D

Duayne P 10-06-2004 10:01 PM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
Just throught I would add this. My son is only 10. He has GP pitts with a brisson 3.2 a trainer and a something extra. As for me, I started flying when I was 6 i'm 30 now. Its great to here all the younger generation flyers out there. Keep bugging your parents for planes. Eventualy they will cave in and buy you one.

Chris-B-chips 10-07-2004 02:17 AM

RE: Young Pilots Forum
hey guys,\

i never would of thought there would be so many young people out there like me!!! i am 12. i have finnaly figured out a way to make some money to support my hobby (along with help from my dad;):D). i am a state representitive here in australia and i distribute 3dfoamy models among everyone in the state making about a $10AUD profit on all the models. i am also a personel foamy builder. so if people don't have enough time to build thier foamies i build it for them!!! its really good because i am doing something i love and i am getting paid for it!!!!!

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