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jshrade 10-19-2004 04:43 PM

Movie Sweet Home Alabama float plane, what is it?
I'm still learning all the different types and names of planes. Watched Sweet Home Alabama last night (with Reese Witherspoon) and got to wondering what make/model airplane the "Mo's Fishin" yellow plane was that Jake flies (or at least has parked in the lake behind his house, they never show him flying it). Just thought it was a nice looking aircraft that one of these days I might want to model.

Also, for movie buffs, anybody know what the floatplane is that crashes in the movie "The Edge" about the rich guy and his model wife that go to Alaska for a photo shoot, and the rich guy and his friends wind up crashing in the plane and then have to fight the grizzlies... blah blah blah etc etc.... kinda looks like a Stinson Reliant, but I'm probably wrong. Another nice looking plane IMHO.

jshrade 10-19-2004 05:06 PM

RE: Movie Sweet Home Alabama float plane, what is it?
You know, sometimes with a little common sense and some research you can find the answer to anything.... since I had just rented the movie, on a hunch I went to the FAA website, and found you can look up all the info on any given plane by the N-Number....

For those interested....


DeHavilland Beaver DHC-2, mfg 1953 wearing a Pratt & Whitney R-985, currently owned by Jasper Air LLC, of Wilmington, Delaware

Now.... since I don't have a copy of "The Edge" around.... anybody know the N-Number for that plane? lol

clolson 10-19-2004 08:54 PM

RE: Movie Sweet Home Alabama float plane, what is it?
It's a good thing someone else answered the question, saving me the embarrasment of admitting I saw the movie. :-) Just for the record, my wife does let me pick the movie every once in a great while. The DHC-2 Beaver is definitely one that is high on my list to build someday.

For what it's worth, there will be a DHC-2 Beaver on floats in the next version of FlightGear (http://www.flightgear.org) with a full 3d animated cockpit.


ryanpilot 10-19-2004 09:08 PM

RE: Movie Sweet Home Alabama float plane, what is it?
It's a BEAVER. One of the coolest classic float plane ever.

seaplane 10-20-2004 06:45 AM

RE: Movie Sweet Home Alabama float plane, what is it?
You can also check out the Beaver at DHC-2.com . Go half way down the main page and there is a place to search. Insert the N number and you'll see 2 pics. The guy maintaining this site is trying to document every Beaver ever built.

Bud Faulkner 10-20-2004 05:09 PM

RE: Movie Sweet Home Alabama float plane, what is it?
It was a beaver in the edge and it was a model they crashed by sliding it down a wire.

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