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  1. Moki Break-In Suggestions Wanted
  2. Geometric and effective compression ratio
  3. tuning K&B 40 w/Perry carb
  4. thunder tiger .91 4 stroke issues
  5. YS .63-s Saito .82 need to pick one for 3D
  6. Need help timming Saito 72
  7. OS .40 Troubleshooting Advice
  8. Engine testing stand idea
  9. Fuel Dot placement
  10. Saito FA-100 Bearing Issue
  11. 160 twin crank shaft not long enough...ideas?
  12. Need help with Saito 82 backplate issue
  13. Saito 325 radial and the H9 P-47 150??
  14. ultimate bipe engine question
  15. powerline hobbies edge 540 vs ST 3250
  16. ST 2500 for warbird?
  17. Need help identifying a Rossi
  18. saito fa-50 parts
  19. Any one using JBA075A or dependable substitute?
  20. Moki/Slimline Muffler Question
  21. SK50 VS JAB 46a VS JBA 56a
  22. OS 50 engine cutoff when throttle applied
  23. Enya Crank Bent
  24. Saito 100 no compression
  25. YS .60 SR HELP! with specs please
  26. ST G90 and OS 7L Carb
  27. What has the most power ?
  28. Glow to Gas conversion
  29. Bad Vibrations
  30. How does a ys .63 compare to saito .82?
  31. Thunder Tiger Running Time
  32. Super T Pro 60 sucking air
  33. Tuning an air blead engine
  34. webra 40 carb
  35. Bentley BR2 Rotary drawings?
  36. Bearing Suppliers
  37. OS .76 Pitts Muffler Question
  38. Take a look at this
  39. Old Thunder Tiger 15
  40. The Tank
  41. OS 61SF - OS61 FSR
  42. OS 60FSR excessive black oil
  43. crankcase oil...
  44. Why Does my ASP .61 Four Stroke have a pressure nipple under the crankase?
  45. prop!
  46. ST90 Engine bearing/sleeve
  47. engine porting
  48. ASP FS180AR Four Stroke Engine
  49. Jett 50 Loose high speed needle - How to tighten?
  50. O.S. 1.08 vs Webra 1.20
  52. Saito 72 lose of pressure
  53. Will you prefer the crock pot method or ultrasonic cleaner?
  54. Saito FA-100T compression
  55. Where is Wiliam Robison ?
  56. Glow Plug ? .10 TT
  57. YS120 or Saito 180??
  58. Italian ST 45 muffler
  59. Irvine .46
  60. English please???
  61. Stripped Glow Plug
  62. Moki Glow Plug
  63. Adventures setting up a four stroke ...
  64. OS 70 Surpass 1?
  65. Pics of YS110's with different pipe set-ups please
  66. beaver with 3 cyl radial
  67. 4 stroke fuel in a 2 stroke
  68. Issues with OS 91 4c/slimline exhaust?
  69. Post Breakin Magnum 91FS
  70. Magnum XLS .15 fuel???
  71. OS 160 Vibration need advice
  72. Magnum Fuel
  73. HELP, need engine opiniion on 2 OS .20s
  74. AL fuel tank
  75. Why not a Webra engines thread?
  76. Saito Four Stroke-Castor or not?
  77. Muffler threads are stripped; how hot does an engine get
  78. Saito 115 slows under load
  79. Tuned pipe pressure fittting
  80. 46 fx stalling
  81. YS FZ110s vs OS 120 Surpass III pumped vs Saito 125A
  82. os 1.20 four stroke
  83. Cline vs. Perry vs. Iron Bay
  84. Another O.S. FS .91 Surpass
  85. Is it okay for bearings to make any noise?
  86. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
  87. FL-70 carb position
  88. MDS .40 dies after a few minutes, too lean maybe?
  89. Perry vs. Cline vs. Iron Bay
  90. Valve Lash Adjustment?
  91. Saito 90TS Throttle Valve Extension
  92. Head Bolts for 91 Rossi
  93. YS110 tuning question
  94. prop ? for OS 91 FX
  95. Exhaust Flex Pipe
  96. Magnum 91 FS Breakin
  97. Need info on .21 Picco Evo II
  98. Fox Glow Plugs
  99. OS FS-61 Carb and valve lash questions
  100. Help! My OS56 alpha 4stroke had a bad landing!
  101. Four Stroke Book Recommendation
  102. OS91FS II pumper or non-pumper?
  103. .55ax 3 blade prop?
  104. MDS 61
  105. OS 91FX carb ???
  107. Saito 82 Engine Settings
  108. OS FS-60 muffler?
  109. recommend a 4 thumper?
  110. Enya 53 4C issue
  111. Fuel prices
  112. K&B engines
  113. Irvine Carb
  114. Enya SS15 woes
  115. Good .12 engine
  116. Prop Drive Hub replacement for old os .20
  117. Two questions about Saito 180
  118. Need MDS 18 Pro Conrod
  119. OS 75 AX break in questions
  120. YS 140 initial thoughts
  121. Saito 91 muffler problems
  122. Are OS coming out with a rotary engine?
  124. Does nitro cool the engine? What actually cools the engine?
  125. Uniflow tank work for 4 strokes?
  126. How do you break in an engine. Ground or Air.
  127. How about a Saito 65 in a 4 star 60, enough
  128. BIG ST FUEL, dropped by sig
  129. 90 size engine in 40 size plane
  130. SAITO FA-56
  131. Engine reccomendations for BUSA Pheaton II
  132. How to compare different glow plug fabricates.
  133. Saito 62 Exhaust Problem
  134. YS Aftermarket Pump Carburetor
  135. Irvine 1.20 2C Opinions
  136. Removing/Insering valves on Surpass!!!
  137. OS pumper not drawing fuel?
  138. Irvine 53 Prop Sizes
  139. LSN on Saito 100 won't lean out anymore
  141. Webra speed 61 muffler
  142. Ringed engine fuel
  143. Moki needle valve problem
  144. Saito 100 carb won't close all the way
  145. Trade Super Tigre G60 ABC Bluehead's
  146. Marz MAP3russian diesels
  147. OS & Saito comparison
  148. Anyone know about K&B glow engines?
  149. Best way to revive unused engines
  150. Do you like Magnum 4 stroke engines and how do they compare with OS and Saito?
  151. Saito FA-100 or O.S. Surpass/Pulse XT60
  152. Lost Idle Stop Screw on Super Tiger .51
  153. Bissonn Muffler
  154. SAITO 56 Golden Knight AAC x O.S. FS-52S
  155. Four Stroke and two Stroke Capacity Comparison.
  156. Front Bearing Cover???
  157. O.S. 46 AX Muffler Baffle ?
  158. fuel requirements for Saito .40
  159. HP .40R engine info
  160. So I bought this engine. . .
  161. OS Surpass Engines
  162. YS 63FZ vs Saito 82 vs OS 70
  163. saito 62 adjustment questions
  165. YS 53 FZ in a warbird
  166. How long?
  167. Webra speed 61
  168. OS 1.08 prop shaftsize
  169. Stuck Enya 60
  170. Norvel 061 question
  171. Pushing fuel to a Saito 100
  172. Customized Jett
  173. Large Volume Pitts Muffler for 120AX
  174. .40 2stroke opinions
  175. os fs 70 ultimate problems plese help
  176. Great Planes fueler with ST 2500
  177. Twin Cylinder Four Stroke Question
  178. OS 91 FX Trouble
  179. Slimline Pitts Muffler Too Loud
  180. Where to get Zimmermann canisters in US?
  181. Prop for FS 120 ii?
  182. Power difference in a Saito 91 vs Saito 100
  184. OS 120FS Surpass E blew apart? need help with rebuild
  185. Pinned ring on Non-pinned piston
  186. Cam Bearing "pusher"
  187. Rossi Carb
  188. Moki 1.8, Vibration or airplane
  189. Saito 115 breaking in, tuning
  190. 1.2V Parallel Glow Pack and Amps for Glow Plug
  191. Where to buy ASP parts?
  192. Perry Carb for OS 40 / 46 SF
  193. Where to buy Webra engines?
  194. .52NX Evolution glow engine
  195. Glow engine starter?
  196. Saito FA 90-T twin power equivalent
  197. Evolution .46 will not turn over... tight
  198. What engine ? YS140 or YS160 or OS RX 140
  199. OS 61SX H Crank Shaft removal problem
  200. Evolution 36....Air leak?
  201. Norell 25 parts?
  202. Webra 120 Pumped
  203. saito180_vs_os200
  204. Saito 56 LSN issue
  205. Prop for Saito 1.00 on warbird
  206. Tiger Trainer 40 Engine
  207. evolution 52 problems
  208. os 91fx problem
  209. Supertigre Muffler on O.S. LA
  210. Prop load and HP ratings question
  211. What percentage of the replies are worthwhile?
  212. Cline or iron bay regulator - Do it yourself?
  213. O.S. FS 120
  214. OS 70 Surpass II muffler elbow
  215. Moki 2.10 low rpms
  216. Help choose .60 Engine / Exhaust for pusher.
  217. OS 200 for Pattern?
  218. OS FX 160 problem
  219. Weston tuned pipe
  220. Rear bearing removal
  221. Black residue from 20% castor oil fuel.
  222. Perry Pump VP-40SG and glow fuel
  223. MOVED: best engine for mgt?
  224. asp 75a
  225. Saito 1.50 Repair Question
  226. Super Tigre G90 Muffler
  227. Jett Engines .50
  228. Magnum 30 Four-Stroke advise needed
  229. Crank case pressure on Saito?
  230. Magnum 52 4s valve adjustment
  231. Remind me about header length
  232. Tach Readings
  233. Exhaust deflector for stock muffler
  234. Metric Coarse Thread Pitch?
  235. MOVED: picco .28 or axial .32
  236. OS H60 FGR Blackhead - Need Info
  237. Enya 60, YS carb, Blue Angel 1973
  238. Nitro Sleeve pinching ?
  239. Tower exhaust on an OS
  240. MOVED: best engine for a Monster gt?
  241. MOVED: i would like to get a .32 axial spec 1s green is it any good?
  242. enya glow plugs
  243. Engine not stop, even when pinching fuel line to carb for over a minute
  244. Piston Ring for Saito 120
  245. mac tuned pipes
  246. os Max 60H Help
  247. ST GS45 muffler question
  248. 1.08 o.s. fuel tank
  249. YS Engine Check Valve
  250. Saito 82a pushrods