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Hitech servos

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Old 05-02-2002, 11:35 PM
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Although I have used and will continue to use Hitec servos for sport planes and the like, I have found that the old saying 'you get what you pay for' has some truth to it.

I recently completed my first truly 3D capable plane, a Hanger 9 Cap 232. I used 605's on ailerons and two also on elevator halves. Using the long (3D-style) servo arms, the centering issue has reared it's ugly head. Nothing major, just an annoying tendancy to not always come back to straight up trim. I find myself clicking trim buttons on elevator and aileron, and then clicking them back later.

The lack of centering resolution is very evident on the ground, especially on elevator. On high rate, it is easy to see that the elevator doesn't return to the same position when flexed up and then flexed down.

On your average sport plane with standard servo arms, you will probably never see the issue. On very sensitive planes using long arms for large throws, it does become an issue.

The 605's are coming out of my CAP to be replaced by either some Futaba or JR coreless servos or possibly the Hitec 5625 Digitals.
Old 05-03-2002, 01:33 AM
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DW; Thanks I'll give them a try. But if centering is a problem they will come out. F3A Aircraft I'm High enough to add slight trims, but as i said if they are a nuisance they will be removed.
3D with a 1/4 Scale or larger! Well lets say trims can be a big problem if say doing Hovering tail touch's. Sometimes recovery is a fraction of a second and you just don't have time to be making fine adjustments.
Old 05-03-2002, 04:12 AM
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Default Hitech servos


From your last post it seems that you are a Hitec support or sponsered/paid by Hitec.

I think you have never flown a faster plane with sensitive controls for 3D manuvers. The things that are discussed above are very critical for these planes.
Old 05-03-2002, 11:52 AM
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Default Hitec Servos

I fly 35% & 40% Aerobatic planes with 3D throws and have found that Hitec makes the best Giant Scale servos.. I use the 945 coreless on the ailerons of my 35% Extra and the 5945 digitals on the elevators of my 40% Cap... I doubt that I will ever go back to Futaba or JR servos.. The fact that the Hitecs are less expensive is just icing on the cake...
Old 05-03-2002, 12:11 PM
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Default Re: Hitec Servos

Originally posted by Cley
I fly 35% & 40% Aerobatic planes with 3D throws and have found that Hitec makes the best Giant Scale servos.. I use the 945 coreless on the ailerons of my 35% Extra and the 5945 digitals on the elevators of my 40% Cap... I doubt that I will ever go back to Futaba or JR servos.. The fact that the Hitecs are less expensive is just icing on the cake...
Yes, but the points made above are in reference to the 605/625/645 $30-$40 dollar servos. Not the $70-$90 9xx/59xx series, which I'm sure are a different breed altogether.
Old 05-03-2002, 02:04 PM
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Default Hitec Servos

There is one more thing that I found to be better with the Hitec servos over the Futaba servos, and that is the amount of gear slop. I tried the Futaba 9304's,3004's, and the 148's for the aileron servos on my Fazer. All of these servos were new.
With the large control surfaces of the ailerons, there was enough gear slop to allow the aileron to move about 1/16" at the inboard side of the aileron. I picked up a couple of Hitec 605's, installed them and had no gear slop at all. I used all carbon fiber push rods, with tight pin to control horn fit.
I think the Futaba servos would just be opening the door for flutter.

My 2 cents.
Old 05-03-2002, 06:30 PM
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Hi Drywaller
I know you have licked the problem ,but if you ever care to do a little detective work ..............................
If you can get someone with an Oscilloscope to look at the servo inputs at the connector you may be able to see the problem more clearly.
The comment about all 10 doing the same thing could indeed be saying either the power supply VOLTAGE DROP on the long leads is causing the problem or the pulse signal may be carrying noise. The Futabas may be more tolerant than the HiTecs to low voltage or indeed less sensitive to problems from a weak pulse or line noise. The HiTecs probably draw a LOT more current and the voltage drop could indeed be the culprit.

The HiTecs also love to run with a 6 volt supply and it won't hurt them in the least.

I am going to call HiTec and ask if anything has changed lately. I have found their sport servos TILL now have been head and shouilders above the SPORT offerings from Futaba and JR especially with the price consideration.

I am curious myself and I intend to do a little testing with long leads and other installation variables. I will also look into the minimum voltage servos at different makes and models will tolerate without functional problems. Stay tuned I will share my findings ! I might have to build a SERVO DYNO !!! We can check centering ,resolution, noise tolerance,voltage tolerance,holding power and torque ! Of course I will be FAIR and honest ,AS ALWAYS.

Stay Tuned ,MORE TO FOLLOW !


#1 Wrong
#2 Wrong

So you are still batting ZERO

Of course you suspect the others who are stating satisfaction with HiTec must be HiTec reps as well. Oh and they are not advanced flyers either ?

Come on , stick with the subject. I said I have had great service from them TILL NOW and if their quality HAS slipped I would like to know. Others here have supported Hitec with favorable comments...................................

Try not to single someone out.
.................................................. .................................................. ..................Do they use the word MISOGYNY where you live ? Are women allowed to speak or are they kept silent behind VEILS?
Old 05-03-2002, 08:52 PM
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Default Hitech servos

I have another post about the Hitec 605's. I recieved a reply stating that this is a common problem with Hobbico extensions. Check out the link.]
Old 05-04-2002, 08:57 AM
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Default Hitech servos

Let me clear something here...

After the signal reaches the servo it is buffered and isloated form the RX by the servo circuit. Also the low voltage can never cause problems like centreing etc. it only reduces the speed as a voltage regulator is always there for feed back control circuit in all servos.

The point here is the feedback circuit locking on capability, that means the dead band or in more simple manners resolution. So Hitec 6xx or even better ones lacks precision and have more tolerance.


I am not getting in a personal war with you, I am just making the point that Hitec servos don't worth as compared to others as far as precision is concerned.
Old 05-04-2002, 12:50 PM
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Default Hitech servos

We will take a look ourselves,but rest assured voltage drop in the power supply CAN cause problems that act a lot like noise .
And let me clear something up FOR you. The signal and supply are NOT isolated and the buffering to be useful would need to be done at the SUPPLY end. The servo circuitry compares the input pulse to the potentiometer position and the difference is applyed to driver amps and used to drive the motor in the appropriate direction until the position agrees with the pulse applied.

Any noise that appears at the servo amp will be amplified along with the signal since MOST of the servos we use employ VERY RUDIMENTARY filtering if ANY at all.

In order to improve the signal to noise RATIO the most effective means would be to amplify the pulse at the source at send it at a higher level. The servo amp would then see a higher voltage ABOVE the noise threshold.

The power supply most sport fliers use for the receiver also supplies operating power for the servos WITHOUT electrical isolation. Any time the voltage drops below a critical point errors in operation can occur.


Use a seperate supply for your receiver and servos . While operating your receiver at FULL VOLTAGE . Apply a volage and current regulated supply to the servos. Now try running your servo while dropping the voltage from 4.8 down to 2.4 volts. Next set the voltage at 4.8 and pull back the CURRENT LIMIT a little at a time. At some point the operation of the servo will become erratic.So much for the "buffering " and "isolation"
Again go back and try the Oscilloscope to look at the supply and signal. With a dual trace scope you can compare the signal at both ends of the cable extension. With a sensitive single trace scope you can check the noise level and voltage drop along any single line.

NO the voltage drop is not likely to cause centering problems in this case BUT if you have been following Drwall's postings he isn't talking about centering.
Usually centering is more of a mechanical issue than electrical. Gear back lash, bushing clearance potentiometer drive all contribute mechanical oportunities for centering and resolution inaccuracies. Servos like JR 507s are no more immune to these issues than are HiTec . The HiTec 605 is far more accurate ,it is fast and puts out substantially more torque for just a few bucks more. And it is still a better bet than the "upgrade" JR ball bearing servos for many users.

Thanks for trying to explain what you assumed I did not know about servos , now I have a better picture of what you know.

I NEVER SAID THE HITEC SPORT SERVOS OUTPERFORMED HUNDRED DOLLAR SERVOS . I SAID I HAVE HAD GOOD SERVICE FROM THEM IN THE PAST and their better servos are competitive with those from JR and Futaba. I wasn't comparing a $30 dollar Hitec to a $110 or more JR ! :stupid: .
Why in the world you came in her and suggested I am a Hitec REP and have never flown a certain type of model is beyond explanation while there have been several others who have offered MORE positive comments than mine.

There are MANY Aeroworks 540 Edges flying with a pair if HiTec 225s driving the elevator. I have heard a lot more POSITIVE than negative comments from the owners.

BTW the DIGITAL HiTecs as far as I know do not use a potentiometer for feedback. They work avery bit as well as anything JR has to offer!
BY THE WAY. Results so far from an opinion poll at an RC website:

best servo for the money

hitec ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 62.16%
jr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24.3 2%
futaba ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10.81%
other, if so what ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2.70%

Like I said they are getting to be very popular and are a good value FOR THE MONEY SPENT and of course the right application.
Which is pretty close to what Monkeyboy said as well:

Monkeyboy Quote:
"For comaprison, my best Futaba and JR servos have a centering resolution of about 0.15 degrees or better. If your looking for a low cost servos and resolution isn't critical, the Hitec 6XX line will work just fine for you."
Old 05-04-2002, 02:00 PM
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Default Hitech servos

Can't you see, that you have an admirer!: )(FCC)! Must be a new form of foreplay) General education is good(i.e. School). Specialized training within a specific field is more beneficial to any given subject. Whether it's corporate or RC Aircraft, U/C Aircraft, Engines, Electronics, etc.
Assuming what one is talking about! Not asking for a specific answer to a given question, is ludicrous.
Accusing a person of being employed by a specific company, just because they endorse there product through trial and error, is again ludicrous.
From the beginner to the experienced there is always something to learn. Valid responses instead of rhetoric is always better than trying to impugn the integrity of a response, within this forum.

With 13 Airtronic Radio's I have had more of the stock Airtronic servo's fail then any other brand. Hitec's have yet to ever fail on me! Maybe thats why I just received 33 new servo's and 5 receivers, from Servocity! Since flying Q-500 and F-1(Old days), as well as 3D ,sport, and F3A hitec hasn't let me down. I was extremely glad to see specific posts reference 32945's and HS-645 MG's as these get installed in High end aircraft. Now I need to get the power supply out and do some verifications. (Thanks LF for reminding me of this technique)

Now granted I have a staged(i.e 28V to .1 Volt- 0-6Amp Lambda) regulated power-supply that I can verify the accuracy of voltage across a specific servo, adjusting voltage as well current to find the ideal or possible problem. Just as LF suggested or implied.

Noise across an extension lead by EMI can usually be eliminated by twisting the extension cable. This creates a slight noise filter. If need be a ferrite core, otherwise known as an RF Choke can also be installed on the cable/extension. If a given servo is mechanically noisy, it doesn't mean the servo is bad, as long as the servo is not twitching and centering and response coincide with the Transmitter inputs there is no reason not to use it.

Enough said by an Old Man! : )
Old 05-04-2002, 03:21 PM
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Default Hitech servos

Geesh...There is something to be said for quality servo extensions. Dont use the standard Hobbico's. The 605 is a great servo. Stronger and faster than the 9202 and half the cost. The problem I experienced was not with the servo but with the Hobbico leads. Like I said, use quality extensions and you should not have a problem.
LadyFlyer, man your smart! What part of the North are you from?
Old 05-04-2002, 06:01 PM
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Default Hitech servos

Born in Red Lodge Montana.

Poll Update:

> RADIO EQUIPMENT > favorite servos

best servo for the money
You have already voted on this poll.
hitec .....................62.16%
jr ........................ 24.32%
futaba ................ 10.81%
other, if so what ...2.70%

If it weren't for the obvious price gouging from their respective distributors Futaba and JR servos would of course not do so poorly.
Just be glad Hitec and YS haven't been gobbled by one of the two monster hobby distributors! That is why you can buy a YS 91 cheaper from Central than Tower or Indy. They settle for a lower profit margin and we get lower prices. It is also the reason HiTec has a great price advantage.
Super Tigre and OS prices nearly doubled overnight when the people at Great Planes siezed the distribution rights in the US.
Old 05-04-2002, 07:01 PM
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Default Hitech servos

I have tried hitec servos but found them to be inaccurate. Fitted two at the tail of a CAP for the elevator halves. Not only did the 2 servos have different total travel, it was very obvious that they did not move at equal pace as I pulled slowly back on the elevator. One would rush ahead of the other then almost stop as the other caught up. Took them out and put in the usual JR servos and all was well.

I have seen models crash due to failures in expensive JR and Futaba servos as well as Hitec so I am not worried that Hitec servos are any less reliable, but the ones I have tried do seem to have a lower accuracy than Futaba/JR.

It is always interesting to read on RCUniverse how happy people are with Hitec radio, here in the UK the shops just can't sell it (the Tx and Rx) as it has such an awful reputation. Of 90 members in our club, just 1 has Hitec radio and no-one takes it seriously. Hitec sold a lot of servos due to price but JR/Futaba had to respond by slashing servo prices so Hitec servos are a good seller but not major seller, partly held back by the dreadful reputation the rest of their radio has here. Yet in the USA you all seem to be getting along fine with it. I was in Florida recently and visited a few model shops, although your radio sets are much cheaper than in the UK, your prices for individual servos were sometimes 30% more than we pay! Standard JR servos are considerably cheaper in my LMS than in the USA so maybe that's why we have less temptation now to buy Hitec servos.

Old 05-04-2002, 08:31 PM
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Default Hitech servos

Since this thread is well, mostly wrapped up, what is your thought on exhaust residue (castor and or synthetic oil) on ca hinges? (glue in with Cyano. glue)
Guess I wanna see how long this thread will go...
Old 05-05-2002, 05:16 AM
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Default Hitech servos


Once there was a poll on RCUniverse and we all know what was the results, Hitec was below 18%. I think you remember and after this, the poll was suddenly removed
And we also know from which forum you get these polls, sure they have to get something to survive...

For sure Hitec is spending a lot of money on marketing and if that money is spend to improve the products that will be better.

I am never going back to Hitec as I am very disappointed and had a very bad experience with their servos.
Old 05-05-2002, 10:37 PM
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Default Hitech servos

FCC Quote :
"For sure Hitec is spending a lot of money on marketing and if that money is spend to improve the products that will be better. "

Care to compare their marketing budget to JR's ? !

I am sure Hitec will survive without you. At our LHS (and most other places in the US) they outsell JR and Futaba combined (servos that is). At the same time they only account for about 15% of the warranty returns ! (At our LHS ,8 stores total)

Hey, I saw this guy using your name at another site. Seems he was having a problem with his JR system and servos (THE CHEAP ones were not showing the problem . Probably due to their POOR RESOLUTION!)


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Strange Radio Problem
I have a JR 421 radio and experiencing a strage problem. When the throttle stick is moved, the aileron servos get slight glitches at the lower position of the stick movement. Similarly when the elevator stick is moved the rudder servo gets slight glitches. The Rx is R600 and batteries are fine. I have double checked everything.

I think this problem is because of slight shift in Tx crystal ferq, is this possible? Rx is fine as I have tested the same radio with Hitec Rx with same results. Any good suggestios to solve this problem.

Could he be related to you ? NAW you know enough to fix this little problem without asking for help !

Nuff said on this one ,Ive already given you way too much time.

Drywaller was right this thread is FINI !
Old 05-05-2002, 11:01 PM
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Nuff said...Go get em' LadyFlyer
Old 05-06-2002, 04:14 AM
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Default Hitech servos

Yes that 421 problem was solved. That system was 3 years old with more than 600 flight hours without problem. That problem was related to the TX pots and once they were cleaned the system was as new and that was NOT the servo problem.

Sure this thread is getting FINI and I am getting out...
Old 05-18-2002, 01:19 PM
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Default servos

Hi all
This subject is very important to me at this time !
I am about to order my servo set up for my new dp 330l.
I have been debating on hitec and digital or coreless & cost....
Seems to me not everyone is getting the same results.Maybe this is in part to do with variances in manufacture.Seems you will allways have 1--2 % bad apples ..
Also I think the setup and application are paramount to the choices ,,, as mentioned before . In a 3 d capable plane useing
those long servo arms ,,,1,2 degrees can add up ?
You put that long servo arm on many brands,, of the same type ,, cost and I believe most will have that movement!
I was thinking that most of this variance ,,,which if you consider how many gears the energy goes thru is from the gear train ,tightness of there positions ,and motor mount ..
And certainly the feed back circuit .With most being vary accurate.
To consider the motors poles 3 vs 5 vs coreless .The gear reductiion is very very high ! for just a few degrees of servo arm movement,the motor has to spin many times !Im, not sure of the ratio but Its safe to say more than 60 to 1 so where the motor lands to stop at any given time is not that critical. 1 turn of the motor is likely to be less than 1/60th 0f the total servo travel,
normaly 60 degrees!And for a three pole,thats devided by the three poles ,,SO THE ACCURACY would be 1/3 of one degree
if every thing was tight ,,,
Just some food for thought rctt .. three point
Old 05-26-2002, 10:44 PM
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Default This is interesting

I just ordered a couple of Hitec mini servo's for small glider. Ive never used Hitec servo's before........Ive always used Futaba and never had a failure.
Based on some posts at this forum Im glad I only ordered two. Going cheap on radio equiptment is asking for disaster to strike. From now on I will only buy futaba servo's. I may send these two hitec servos back and get futaba. No amount of savings is worth the hours and money you invest in a model. Not to mention someone could get seriously hurt.

With the centering problems you guys are having with the 605 servos........I dont know how you can except that, especially if your flying a 20 plus pound plane around.

I had no idea Hitec was having quality problems with some of there servo's.

I think you guys should re-think this save money at the grocery store not the hobby store.
Old 05-27-2002, 04:55 AM
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Old 05-27-2002, 05:32 AM
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Dave Bowles

These are unfair polls or rather baised, and we all know that whats the reason for this...
Old 05-27-2002, 05:03 PM
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Default Hitech servos

FCC I find your remark a little harsh. No one voted more than once like you may have thought. This poll was completely fair. The majority of those people liked hitec and I don't blame them I love them!
Old 05-27-2002, 05:47 PM
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Default Hitech servos

Why would you make a comment ref Hitec; The Top Q-500 an QM-40 people run allot of Hitec's. The MG 225's are some of the most consistent servo's of their size in ref to any manufacturer.

I'm running 81, 85, 225, 645, and 945's as well a ton of Airtronics servo's and the Hitec's are excellent. Not a problem at all. Servocity provides and have great support.

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